

Exibitions, Contests and Published Books

Collective Exhibition

Collettiva “Visuali italiane”

JP – Tokjo, 16th Februar – 23th Februar

Organized by: Fondo Malerba per la Fotografia

Artistic project: Still Life – When the ancient meets the modern

Year: 2020


Premio Internazionale Michelangelo Buonarroti

IT – Seravezza (LU),  30 November – 15th December

Organized by: : Associazione Culturale ARTE PER AMORE

Ranked in the top 10 finalists

Nomination: Colour

Year: 2019

Collective Exhibition

Collettiva “Frammenti di Luce”

IT – Milano, 15th September- 16th September

IT – Roma, 27th September – 28th September

Organized by: Massimiliano Falso

Nomination: Still Life and Portrait

Year: 2019

Published Book

Immagini & Parole

Volume 21: Book Preview

Editor: Casa editrice Pagine

Year: 2017

Published Book


Volume 4: Book Preview

Editor: Casa editrice Pagine

Year: 2017